First Link Learning Series – On Demand
Welcome to the Alzheimer Society’s First Link Learning Series.
This modular program was developed by the Alzheimer Society of Ontario and is intended for those actively caring for a person living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. There are 2 of the 4 modules currently available in the on-demand format. First Steps addresses issues around the early stages of dementia and is a precursor to the Care Essentials course, which addresses issues as things progress to middle stages and beyond.
When accessing these on-demand recordings of the First Link Learning Series please be aware that they do not stand alone – they are part of a progressive educational experience intended to meet your current needs for information and to support you as needs change over time.
For more information about the on-demand learning series, to register for in person sessions, or to learn about the many other education, support, and recreational services available, please contact your local Alzheimer Society.

Available On-Demand
First Steps for Care Partners
This four video course provides an introduction to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and is intended for the care partners, family members and friends of individuals with dementia. Topics covered include: types of dementia, changes in the brain, coping strategies, planning for the future, managing risks and community resources.
Register for First Steps for Care Partners On Demand:
Care Essentials
This four video course for family caregivers and care partners offers problem solving strategies related to communication, responsive behaviours, caregiver burnout and expected changes in mid-stage progression of the illness.
Register for Care Essentials On Demand: