Alzheimer Society Public Education Programs
At the Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners, education is one of our top priorities.
By providing information on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias we can help those not yet on the dementia journey reach an earlier diagnosis and provide strategies for families living with dementia.
Dementia Friendly Communities
Organizations and groups can learn more about dementia and how physical and social environments can be improved to make them more accessible – for all.
Eloquently described by a person living with dementia, “dementia friendly is informed kindness”.
For more information, visit: Dementia Friendly Communities or email: [email protected]
Brain Matters Webinar
A free webinar series dedicated to bringing awareness and education to matters of aging and brain health. Webinar topics are directed to a wide audience including people living with dementia, care partners, healthcare professionals, educators and community members interested in learning more about the brain and the issues that affect it. Webinars and associated resources are archived on our website.
Watch our previous Brain Matters webinars HERE.
Reducing The Risk of Dementia
A FREE 3-week series where you will learn how you can reduce your risk of dementia. In these sessions, we will go over the various risk factors for dementia and learn the important lifestyle tips and strategies that can reduce those risks. A wide range of brain health topics will be covered including brain exercises, healthy eating, physical activity, managing stress and much more!
Finding Your Way
Half of those missing for more than 24 hours risk serious injury or death from exposure, hypothermia or drowning. Finding Your Way is a multicultural safety and awareness tool to help prevent your loved one with dementia from becoming another statistic.
Click here to learn more about the Finding Your Way
Learning About Memory Loss
What is normal memory loss? What are the symptoms of dementia? Learning About Memory Loss is a free seminar for people who may be worried about their own or someone else’s memory. The seminar covers topics, including normal changes in memory and thinking, mild cognitive impairment and early-stage dementia, recognizing the symptoms, strategies for brain health and planning ahead.
Remember Me
A free information session for children ages 7 to 13 personally affected by someone in their family or someone close to them living with dementia. Topics and activities include an overview of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and how the brain works, a review of common behaviours of a person living with dementia, communication tips, effective and fun games to paly with a relative or friend with dementia, and creative memory crafts.
Let’s Talk about Driving
This presentation is for older adults, people living with MCI or dementia and their family and friends covering a variety of topics including how to decide if it is time to retire from driving, how to talk about driving as a family, and the warning signs that driving is becoming risky. This presentation will also discuss what everyone should know about driving and dementia in Ontario, including the obligations of health care professionals to report to the Ministry of Transportation. Addressing the grief and loss that affects the whole family when driving stops will also be discussed.

Webinar Archive
What is Dementia?
Dementia isn’t a disease in actuality (although the word is commonly used that way). It is an ‘umbrella’ or overall term used to describe a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain; symptoms such as memory loss, difficulties with thinking, problem solving and language.
When these problems become severe enough to impact a person’s ability to perform everyday activities, it is a clear indication that a person is not experiencing normal age-related cognitive issue but is, probably, living with dementia. While Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia (approximately 65% of all dementias in Canada), there are many other diseases that can cause dementia, including vascular dementia, Lewy body disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and others. These conditions can have similar and overlapping symptoms.
For a more information on normal aging versus dementia and on the various types of dementias, visit our national website: